The ACE RC TS4 was developed specifically for modellers who value precision, reliability and user-friendly interface, and o ya lets not forget the great price tag. With the Ace Skymaster TS4, you can Servo Reverse on all channels, configure for a V-tail and Elevon mixing, as well as two additional mixing functions.
I have seen some amazing pilots who use simple 4 channel radio controls such as this one, and i have seen pilots who have just started flying radio control planes with radios such as the JR Radio 11X who not only are atrocious pilots, but dont even use 80% of the functionality of the radio. Maybe its for show, maybe its for self indulgence, in my opinion, if you are flying a simple electric airplane, a simple radio like this Ace Skymaster TS4 is more than enough.
Learn to fly before you empty your pockets is what i say. 🙂