04 Feb
Posted by admin as Flying Wings
Tags: 100mph, brushless speed controller, electric plane, fast flying wing, fast rc plane, rc, rc plane, zagiA radio-controlled electrically-powered model flying wing aircraft having a pusher propeller at the rear wing root powered by an electric motor mounted in a streamlined electric motor housing that extends into the wing and blends smoothly into the wing surface at the center wing chord.
The motor housing, motor and propeller extend beyond the wing trailing edges to ensure efficient propeller operation and to reduce propeller-induced noise.
A battery is secured in a resilient pouch and protected completely inside the wing root, serviceable from the bottom wing surface by removing a quick release flap. Major structural elements are composed of impact resistant, flexible, and resilient materials.
Here is a video of my 105MPH flying wing which in total i only spent a little under $60 for the brushless motor, brushless ESC speed control, and one 4S 1750mAh Lipo Battery. This setup is perfect in every way from the price to the weight of the unit and not to mention the speed you will achieve, yes 105mph, without spending and arm and a leg, as you might guess by now, most motors such as the MEGA will produce the same amount of watts on a 4S lipo but you will spend $110 JUST on the motor.
The setup i mentioned above is the same setup you will see in the video below, a total of 900 Watts of output and again speeds of 100 to even 110mph. You can purchase these 3 items with the below link.
Click Here to access the CG calculator
3 Responses
July 27th, 2009 at 1:56 pm
How to use the CG calculator?
I have a epp foam core from flying wing foam and want to install the zagi motor mount. So the question is how to figure out a CG location.
Thanks, Craig
cho kang ho
September 18th, 2010 at 1:58 am
2Dear Sir
My name is cho kang ho.
Here is Seoul, South Korea.
I love Delta wing and making it, now.
Always, I am feeling about difficult C.G calculation of delta wing plane.
How to C.G calculation of delta wing? More easy.
After make delta wing, sometimes, semi-wing(right or left) twisting.
How to un-twisting?
Have a nice week!!
From Cho kang ho
September 29th, 2010 at 10:09 pm
3hi Cho Kang Ho
best way to calculate your CG on a wing is by using the formula on my site. If you wish to find the CG quicker, just place a heavy lead in the tip of the nose and throw the plane with no electronics attached, see how the plane reacts. If the plane dives down, its to nose heavy, if the plane feathers up and down in a continues motion, its tail heavy.
make sure your wing is balanced balanced not only horizontally but vertically, horizontally is the CG, and vertically is from wing to wing balance.