This model is temporarily not being shipped. If you have placed an order and still waiting for your glider, we will either ship it to you sometime soon or issue a full refund. We apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused.

Having recently flown a few DLG gliders and truly been addicted from the concept of a motorless rc plane, the perfect throw, the understanding of wind, thermals and gliding to the final controlled catch, i have decided to create a micro version of these DLG gliders. Since the smallest DLG in the market is around  35″ wingspan, i introduce the Micro-D. This design and concept of course is nothing original, i have seen many rcgroups threads on how to build your own micro DLG.  So this is my version, a 21″ wingspan, small enough to fit in your pocket, ( ok maybe not that small) but a great fun indoors and outdoors. On the perfect day, with heat rising from the ground and cumulus clouds above, you can easily thermal sky high over 30 minus of flight time with this little DLG glider. Remember, it does not like wind to much so a calm sunny day is a dream. Fly it at your local park as i have in the video below, it truly is hours of fun with just one battery.
This Micro DLG was redesigned based on Quark by Adam Woodworth, wing airfoil, length, width and dihedral have been modified along with tail feathers.

Weight: .84Oz ( 23.8 grams) give an take how much glue you use.
Wing Span: 21.5
Airfoil: Mark Drela AG03
Carbon Fuse
Carbon Pushrods
Bluecore Pod
1s 3.7V 138Mah Lipo included
Pod and Wings are  hand crafted
Tail feathers ( Rudder and Elevator ) and control horns are laser cut with 1/32 balsa wood  (pre-hinged)

Everything in the kit is provided including 1S 25C 30C burst  lipo battery:
Build Time: 30 to 40 minutes


Spektrum AR6400 Receiver equivalent power servo system.
Hot Glue Gun preferably with small tip


As soon as an order is placed, your micro DLG will get built within 2 business days and shipped within 2 business days. If you live in the states, please allow a week for  your package to arrive, sometimes less than a week.  International orders are packaged in a harder case packaging and usually take 2 weeks to arrive to your door step. If you have any questions, please email me anytime.

United States Orders International Orders

+ $4.99 S&H

Tracking number is included on all US orders.

+ $10 S&H

Tracking number is not included on international orderes due to the price ($30) if you wish to obtain tracking number, an additional $30 will be charged. 



Balsa tail feathers DLG

Micro−D weights provided by Robert Maynard Rhyu

Measured on Torsion Balance Co. laboratory balance, accurate to 0.01 gram.
Click here to download the full PDF file
