R/C Cars
We have a wide range of R/C cars and trucks for sale. We only look to stock the best value models with the best prices for our members….who all receive a 10% discount on all purchases. You can see that we provide a decent range to choose from so there are plenty of models to choose from.
Showing all 4 results
Can I Get Advice On What R/C Car I Should Buy?
By all means contact us by mail, or through the live chat box on the store. You can also go to
the community, create a post and ask for their opinions. The ultimate result is you have options to help you decide to choose the right radio controlled car to buy.
Make sure you are clear in what you are looking for performance wise when asking for help…..it makes it so much easier to recommend what would suit you best.
What Can You Offer Me?
Our end goal is to make sure we offer the best R/C Model car options for our visitors at prices that go beyond competitive. We supply:
- Gas Powered R/C Cars
- Battery Powered Radio Controlled Cars
- Spares
- R/C Car Controllers
- LIPO Batteries For Radio Controlled Cars
All priced to suit the wallets of our valued members. All purchases go towards helping support the Sky High Hobby community and making sure it keeps adding beneficial services to improve itself.
Make sure you check out the following pages: