Talk about a sexy looking MIG-29, this little guy is not so little, with a wing span of 960mm ( 37.7 inches), perfect fit for people with small cars, ( that would be yours truly ) it has enough room for two 68MM ducted fans for the ultimate speed. Im not a fan of EDF planes but dual EDF’s im assuming will produce enough power to enjoy this beautifully Composite fuse and balsa wings crafted covered high gloss paint finish and the wings superbly covered to match the fuse. Wings and tail is balsa construction while the fuselage is composite.

Mig-29 Composite RC Electric JET 2 x 68mm EDF 960mm ARF

Just like the real Mig 29, this EDF jet promises to deliver high performance with high speeds with its 2x EDF units, with the right set up yet at the same time it has impressive slow speed performance. Remember, with any RC plane, specially Jets made out of balsa and composite, make sure you use high quality servos.

Wingspan: 960mm
Length: 1380mm
Weight: 2600g

All Hardware
68mm High Performance EDF x 2

Your Own 6 Channel TX/RX
2 x 28mm EDF Motor (4s~6s)
2 x 60A~80A ESC
3 x 12g MG Servo, 2 x 26g MG servo
3000mAh~4000mAh 4s Lipoly x 2

Mig-29 Composite RC Electric JET 2 x 68mm EDF 960mm

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