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The ACE RC TS4 was developed specifically for modellers who value precision, reliability and user-friendly interface, and o ya lets not forget the great price tag. With the Ace Skymaster TS4, you can Servo Reverse on all channels, configure for a V-tail and Elevon mixing, as well as two additional mixing functions.
I have seen some amazing pilots who use simple 4 channel radio controls such as this one, and i have seen pilots who have just started flying radio control planes with radios such as the JR Radio 11X who not only are atrocious pilots, but dont even use 80% of the functionality of the radio. Maybe its for show, maybe its for self indulgence, in my opinion, if you are flying a simple electric airplane, a simple radio like this Ace Skymaster TS4 is more than enough.
Learn to fly before you empty your pockets is what i say. 🙂
Ace Skymaster TS4 2.4GHz Radio Control
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It is art that makes life, makes interest, makes importance and I know of no substitute whatever for the force and beauty of its process. Max Eastman
So they say if a plane does not look good, then it surely will not fly good. Ok so i made that up but really, who wants to fly hideous looking planes? One company E-flite which offer many great flying aircrafts in my opinion have the most revolting designed and colored planes in the market. Take for example their Extra 260, washed out yellow and purple coloring, such ugliness ( is that a word? ) , i would not fly this plane if they gave it to me for free, but thats just me.

Below are some awesome designed airplanes from different companies that i absolutely love.

Aeroworks 30cc EDGE 540 ARF

TopModels Racer PETIT CHELEM 0,91m ARF

Aero Works .46 – .60 ProX260 QB


Aero Works 35cc Extra 300 ARF-QB

100cc EXTRA 300 ARF-QB


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