RC cars for beginners

What are the best RC cars for beginners?

Published: July 13, 2019


Categories: R/C Cars

The ability to race radio controlled cars is a skill that takes time to master. While anyone may be able to perform basic maneuvers when controlling these cars, developing “hobby-level” skills takes time. With this in mind, what are the best RC cars for beginners?

Think it out before buying.

First, anyone considering a plunge into the world of radio-controlled cars should give some initial thought to several factors.

Those include:

  • How much do you want to spend for your first vehicle?
  • How often and where do you expect to run your vehicle?
  • What kind of vehicle are you most interested in – a sports car, sedan, buggy, stadium truck, or something else?

In terms of finding the best RC cars for beginners, try chatting with someone who has been occupied with the hobby for some time. They can tell you how they got started, the mistakes they made, and what type of vehicle they would recommend for you.  

What do ready-to-run (RTR) RC cars do for beginners?

Generally speaking, you can buy this kind of radio-controlled vehicle with everything you need included. When you purchase an RTR vehicle, it is generally completely assembled and ready to drive. There may be a couple of items you have to take care of when you prepare to run your new car or truck, but those tasks are generally attaching the body and maybe gluing the tires. After that, all you need to do is charge your battery pack and get your RC car moving.

RTR carThe website liveaboutdotcom strongly suggests that novice drivers choose an RTR vehicle for their first radio-controlled car experience rather than buy a kit that may require a certain amount of assembly. That applies even if the “kit” claims to be appropriate for entry-level drivers.

The best RC cars for beginners will run off a battery pack. It is not only easier than a nitro-fueled car for the beginner to operate, it is considered to be safer.

Check out our RC Cars here & batteries LiPo here

Here is a list of the best RC trucks for beginners:

  • Traxxas 4-TEC

This is a four-wheel drive sedan scaled at 1:10, which is built for racing. New or younger drivers can run it at reduced power (as low as 50%). As a result, novice drivers have the time to develop maneuvering skills. The car will continue to be a joy to drive as the beginning driver gains more experience and confidence.

  • HPI E10 Car

This car is also a 1:10 scale, and its sturdy construction clearly has beginners in mind. There are four versions of this car. There are drift and touring versions as well as an RTR and a largely assembled version for the somewhat more experienced driver that does mind building the inner electronics.

  • Traxxas Unlimited Desert Racer

This truck weighs approximately 13.4 pounds and has a four-link rear suspension along with a solid link axle. This kind of suspension enhances off-road stability. Novices are able to maintain fine control of this truck at a speed as high as 50 mph.

  • Losi Micro-T Stadium Truck

When someone first becomes attracted to the idea of running radio-controlled cars, they probably won’t want to spend too much money on their first vehicle. After all, they may find that the hobby is not really their “cup of tea.” According to Liveaboutdotcom, novice drivers can purchase this Micro-T for less than $100. This way they can decide how much further they want to delve into the radio-controlled car hobby without spending a bundle. The model size is 1:36 scale.

Photo Credits:

Featured Image: MIKI Yoshihito – License: https://www.flickr.com/photos/mujitra/8458653170/in/photolist-dTsNTL-aVpWkt-aUXU8a-aUXUaX-eHKRN9-26etXGq-eHJTrw-7pvMgs-5YCBeR-Dr2CTp-fDP7rL-kGE2Qi-mRJ3m-5EieDt-cjdKcJ-5q9eqM-yDN6PU-yXb19H-bnprTJ-yVnNmy-yVorVS-Aqu93q-eHL2FU-3eRdGH-5roHGp-5RkzVR-dcdcBo-f9qwbA-ktuA58-4Xy3cy-4Xy39W-dv6MUc-48NDsx-e5mh7x-ciieys-aUXU5g-e5mhs8-21fVJoK-YCzFLW-8GBMm7-24Foo2c-4iVjqr-oAbQrg-nnu6MU-2aw1Xx2-aUXTW8-WfcVG3-DacH2L-22fMfJp-aUXTNr

Boxed car: SteAro – License: https://www.flickr.com/photos/_ste_/22593216204/in/photolist-Aqu93q-eHL2FU-3eRdGH-5roHGp-5RkzVR-dcdcBo-f9qwbA-ktuA58-4Xy3cy-4Xy39W-dv6MUc-48NDsx-e5mh7x-ciieys-aUXU5g-e5mhs8-21fVJoK-YCzFLW-8GBMm7-24Foo2c-4iVjqr-oAbQrg-nnu6MU-2aw1Xx2-aUXTW8-WfcVG3-DacH2L-22fMfJp-aUXTNr-ZUn5LW-YJdEAY-nnLwm4-asg91N-ik8Ak4-YxHbmj-Z68X62-24ForCa-asg5mQ-2fdgmzw-asdtU8-7QGkyQ-6oNG8E-8scELh-bvsD7F-eUdsC7-8scEWo-eahQX7-9AM16u-dCVHJ-5y6mua/

Check out our range of RC Cars here….and our batteries, (including ones from Traxxas), here